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John Adams

John Adams is also known as The MND Warrior and by his family and friends Sir John. John’s story is as follows: “I started having regular falls, which I couldn’t understand why, as I was a very fit man who loved his gardening and had two allotments. I used to supply vegetables to all my family and friends. I never spent a day indoors – come rain or shine I was doing something. So, then the tests start and then you get told you have MND. My family were told my life expectancy was 12 to 18 months.

I started slurring my words and couldn’t understand why people kept asking me to repeat myself. I always liked to be the chap that had a quick witty answer to everything. But when my voice started to go, this impacted on my life significantly. I loved a drink. Yes, I admit I went to the pub every day and loved either a glass of cider or a nice red wine. This was taken away from me after choking on many occasions. I was told I needed a peg fitted so I am now fed through a tube.

After getting diagnosed, I decided to dedicate every day I was blessed with to work hard to promote awareness of this devastating disease and to raise funds to find a cure. I appreciate a cure will never be found in my lifetime but I can still do my bit to ensure no one suffers in the future. Since starting my campaign, I have raised nearly £22K for research. However, the most inspiring part of my journey is the people who have contacted me saying my story has given them strength to keep fighting. My challenges have gained lots of media coverage which I am extremely grateful for”